Ferrer Fest
Fernando Ferrer's campaign is having a fundraiser this tuesday night! For more detail, go to http://www.evite.com/pages/invite/viewInvite.jsp?inviteId=EGDFYOSEKFIZJWNROZIW&li=iq&src=email.
Fernando Ferrer's campaign is having a fundraiser this tuesday night! For more detail, go to http://www.evite.com/pages/invite/viewInvite.jsp?inviteId=EGDFYOSEKFIZJWNROZIW&li=iq&src=email.
We all had a great time this Saturday painting the Bronx Alternative to Detention Center. Highlights included Jeff and Rich painting the bathroom stalls a beautiful sky blue. We had a great turnout and it was tons of fun- thanks to all who came out!
Congratulations democrats! We raised $240 dollars for the Red Cross! You all did a great job in contributing your time and food to the bakesale, and you should all be proud.
We will be having our NY ♥ Gulf Coast Katrina Relief Bakesale on Tuesday, October 18th in the law school cafeteria all day long. Sign up for a time slot on TWEN if you would like to contribute, and of course, if would be great to bring some food too. Especially brownies :(
So I've been doing some research ont he legality of a poker tournament and so far the answers are inconclusive. I've discovered that we can't get a licence for poker even if it's for charity, but as the law is defined, it might not be a crima anyway if no one benefits from it.