Hey Dem's,
Our first event of the year will be this Monday, September 10th. We are co-hosting a fundraiser for Fordham Law alum NYC Councilman Peter Vallone, Jr, class of '86. He is a great public servant in our City and is looking to move to higher office due to term limits. Please check out his website:
www.petervallone.com. He has done especially great work on the environment and public safety.
The event will only cost $20 and will be held near school at Citrus, 320 Amsterdam Ave from 6:30-8:30 pm on Monday September 10th. There will be plenty of Fordham Law alums, so this will be a great place to meet attorneys and network for jobs. If you cannot afford $20, there
are opportunities to volunteer, which will get you in for free.
So please join us in helping a great public servant and Fordham Law alum (not to mention having a great time meeting attorneys and fellow students). Please email us at fordhamlawdemocrats@gmail.com if you can attend so we have a rough idea of how many will come.
Stay Blue,